2 : In the second chapter, Nick reports from a visit in New York with
Tom Buchanan. He describes with many details how New York is in his
eyes. The two go by train to their target. Nick mentions that many
people are jealous about Tom because hes so rich and famous. Tom
wants to introduce Nick his secret girlfriend so they go to a small
company called "George B. Wilson Cars buy and sell". After
aquick talk between Tom and the old Mr. Wilson they go in Mr. Wilsons
office . Myrtle Wilson, the wife of Mr. Wilson talks secretly to Tom.
At the finally end of the talk they drive with Toms secret girlfriend
Myrtle to an apartment. They have a party there with other people
because drinking in public was forbidden. With a couple and Myrtles
sister Catherine they have a wild party. Whisky flows and the group
is getting drunk as hell. The group gossips about Gatsby. Catherine
claims that he is somehow related to Kaiser Wilhelm. The group
becomes extremly drunk as a result, Myrtle begins to grow talky.
Shortly after Tom gives her a puppy as a gift Myrtle begins singing
Daisys name to irritate Tom. tom becomes angry and tells her that she
has not the right to say Daisys name. She continues anyway and he
responds by breaking her nose.
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