In the ninth chapter of F.Scott Fitzgeralds “ The Great Gatsby“
Nick tells us about some memories which he remembered a few days
later. He tells us how difficult it was to find Gatsbys old friends
and his family after his death which would come to his funeral or are
still interested in him.Even Gatsbys own father was difficult to find
first off all but he finds out about the funeral by himself and finds
out that his son changed his name by himself from Gats to Gatsby too.
Nick figured out how this society was he was put in by Gatsby. In
fact : fast, cold and unscrupulous.
So after the arriving of Gatsbys father who wants to bestow the last honor for his son Nick noticed how proud Gatsbys father was so he just can’t tell him the truth about the achievements of his son.
So after the arriving of Gatsbys father who wants to bestow the last honor for his son Nick noticed how proud Gatsbys father was so he just can’t tell him the truth about the achievements of his son.
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